4-H Takes on a New Look at FLMS
Loudon County 4-H agent Elizabeth Jackson is excited to get all students involved in 4-H!
There are many opportunities to join project clubs, create posters, go on field trips, go to competitions, and many more ways 4-H can expand your horizons.
This year we are starting student led projects. Yes, the students create a proposal, work towards completion of the project, and then present a finished product that will benefit them and more!
You can find the forms you need right here for the various projects that are available.
Let's use our Heads, Hearts, Hands and Health to make our worlds better!
To submit your 4-H Project Proposal:
Please download the word document for your proposal by clicking on the button labeled 4-H Project Proposal. Fill it out completely. Share it or email it to Ms. Watson (watsonh@loudoncounty.org ) or Ms. Elizabeth Jackson (elicjack@utk.edu ) by December 11.